Mantra Practice to Release Fear

Looking to fortify your courage before that next bold move, big moment, or difficult conversation?
This ancient song is an instant remedy for those times when fear is creating instability. Chant it aloud to focus and stabilize the mind, or simply listen and enjoy. All you need is 4 minutes!

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    Original artwork by Luci Campbell

    Practice Recording

    Receive a downloadable audio recording of the practice to accompany you at work and at home. Use it to presence your courage, radiance and power.

    Printable Postcard

    You will also receive a beautiful, printable .pdf postcard with the written text and translation of the mantra, as well as .png image file to save and keep in your photo library.

    How to Guide

    Most importantly, I will send you the specifics on how to do the practice, helpful tips and suggestions about how to maximize its effect.